Friday, September 18, 2009

In case you all are wondering...

those of you playing the numbers game as I am here are my stats thus far:

En La Casa:

36 prenatals (and there were probably more I neglected to write down)
4 births
4 newborn exams
6 Initial visits
9 postpartums
8 births as an active participant

And, to be fair, I don't need all that much, I did come in with a decent amount of numbers and all of my skills already signed off. I am staying for 6 weeks and you will definitely NOT get all of your numbers in 6 weeks... you may not get them all in even 3 months. I also came not needing continuities so if you can avoid having to do that here you will be in better shape. And if you are doing the kind of program that requires Well Woman care you may or may not get some of that here.

The thing is that you might have three births on your shift as first on (as I did last night) but when you catch a baby you must then complete two hours of postpartum vitals and do 100% of your paperwork before you can catch another one or it goes to the second on. If they had a slightly different system I would have had all of my catches in two weeks, no doubt. I would have caught 6 babies in two days on.

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