Thursday, September 3, 2009

First day as second on

Last night I made the muy malo assumption that I was off duty and I went deeply deeply to sleep only to have my name paged over the intercom at 12:30. Apparently it was my learning experience about the role of second on during a birth. Basically, for anyone who has apprenticed, being second on is like being the apprentice. 2nd on charts during active labor, takes FHTs, notes the times, apgars, etc. The thing is that here at Casa they are SO particular and each staff midwife is particular in her own way that whether you have charted at a million births your first experience charting at Casa might as well be your first experience ever. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I felt like I had no idea how to take heart tones which is something that I have done, literally, hundreds of times.

But I did get to do a birth with Jenny, one of the staff midwives, and she was really great.

But, today I was second on for citas (appointments, in case I never mentioned that) but it was a slow day. Thursdays are only 1/2 days at the clinic and then you're supposed to clean and restock until you're off your shift. So, I got to run my own appointments without anyone standing right over me and it was awesome. I remembered that I actually do know how to do stuff which I had pretty much forgotten since my first day here... some of the folks (Ok, just the one resident and since I will never see her again I will from here on refer to her as Mavis) here will treat you like you have never written your own name.... seriously. I was so happy and relieved that all of my findings were confirmed, it was a nice boost to my wounded confidence. My palpations and cervical checks were all correct. Whew. I did have a debate with a student who has 3 months of experience about whether or not effacement is subjective if you're going to base it on the length of your finger. Um, hello, my fingers are like twice as long as yours, but whatever.

I'm trying to think of what will be helpful for anyone coming here... You might want to bring your own silverware as there are no f-ing forks. The fridge space is severely compromised and I have about 2" of space and that is really not hyperbole. Oh, and don't believe the hype that there is a grocery store in walking distance... I mean, yeah, there's a store and if you're not picky about stuff like eating expired food it could possibly get you through a couple of weeks and you might only come away with scurvy. I don't think The Q could get me through 6 weeks but if I get desperate I could go grab pasta or a box of cereal there; they also have a lot of tortillas and canned stuff and also meat but I wouldn't touch the meat with a 10 foot pole. Also since I have been here I haven't exactly been wanting to cook. I can cook for my family when I'm at home; while I am in the Casa I want to chill and just worry about myself and what I'm doing. I have yet to figure out where the bus runs from but admittedly I haven't tried that hard, I would kill to go to a movie or something.

I'm sure I have mentioned not to expect much from the intern house... it's pretty gross. The front room is loud but is better ventilated, the back room is really quiet but seems stuffy to me. There's a lot of closet space but not a lot of drawers. The showers are actually OK and I am super picky about showers. It's probably just my age and level of comfort at home, how set I am in my ways, that makes me think this house is so foul... if I were 19 or 20 it probably wouldn't phase me in the least. In fact, I'm pretty sure my first apartment was about on this level.

There's a woman in labor now but I have a feeling it will be a long night.

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