Friday, September 18, 2009

Care package

Today I got a huge care package from my awesome husband and it could not have come at a better time; I had spent about an hour boo-hooing about how much the recent changes here have made me want to go home. Also, I have horrible PMS and that helps nothing.

So, after I discovered that my brand new bottle of eco-laundry detergent had walked off when someone recently departed (ahem, it was $8 and unopened) I splashed nasty ass birth water in my face while I was scrubbing birth laundry (got drenched with bloody peroxide water in my eyes and mouth - yum) then I discovered my clothes got a little bit bleached in the stupid washer. I was in a FOUL mood especially considering I am on tonight 6-6 for the second night in a row.

Anyhoo, it was then that I realized I had a huge box in my room and in it was:

A box of Godiva truffles
A copy of Bust magazine (my fav)
A copy of Kathy Griffin's new book
A picture drawn by Stella
A tub of cotton candy
A bag of Peppermint Patties
Some ghost marshmallow peeps (picked out by Stella)
Some Pocky cookies
Season one of Battlestar Galactica
The last two discs from The Wire I was watching before I left
Season five of 6 Feet Under
An awesome Where the Wild Things Are shirt from Urban Outfitters
A freaking new pair of New Balance shoes (because my feet are ruined)
Insoles for my new shoes
And a damn MP3 player loaded with a David Cross show and a Stephen King book.

I think that's it... it was the single best package I could have possibly received on the shittiest day of my Casa experience. My husband is the best, he knows EXACTLY what I need and I miss him so much I am seriously considering leaving early right now. I hope this feeling will pass but if it doesn't I'm kind of thinking I will leave as soon as I get my numbers solid.

It's just about to be the end of week three and I am seriously homesick. I was warned this would happen so I'm hoping it will pass. I mean, people live through all kinds of things and if this midwife doesn't like the way I do things and criticizes every move I make there isn't anything I can do other than get through it and not give two shits what she thinks of me.

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