Monday, August 31, 2009

Lunch break, first day

So, I have to observe for 3 days before I can do anything in the clinic. That's pretty much torture. I have to sit on my hands during the prenatals because I want to jump up and do them. Much is the same with prenatals here as ones done at home... I mean, aside from the fact that I can't understand a single word being said, but there are also some differences.

So far the other interns are AWESOME. I was afraid about what it would be like to be living with 4 strangers but I love them. C is so funny, she showed me the ropes the minute I got there and she has given me the lowdown on everything and everyone. She has an awesome sense of humor and she's humble and sweet. K is a really pretty hippy woman from California, she gave me a ride to the store to get groceries and for that I will be eternally grateful as they claim there is a store within walking distance but really it is a teeny little Mexican mart with expired food. B is really cool, she hitchhiked from Canada and she's sweet and interesting.

Now, the aspect I think I will have the hardest time assimilating into is the living situation. I'm 35, approximately 18 years past when living like this would have seemed cool. I don't like sharing a room, it's hot, it's not very clean, the kitchen is... weird, to put it kindly. I love my house and my kitchen and my privacy and I am sorely sorely going to miss that level of comfort.

I have met three of the staff midwives and they are all very different... I'm sure I'll have better formed opinions as time goes on.

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