Monday, August 31, 2009

Flight, etc.

I made it to Casa in one piece. I don't enjoy flying but Xanax and an iphone loaded with season 4 of Lost made it totally doable. It was a long journey and I had to connect which always makes me say goodbye to my luggage... it did arrive, both giant pieces. The cab ride from the airport was the first time I got nervous... really nervous. When I arrived I realized the clinic is closed on Sunday.

I spent a few quality minutes trying to figure out what the hell was going to happen to me and my giant luggage. Luckily Laverne came to my rescue. She was the staff midwife usually on shift on Sundays. In retrospect she was the perfect first person to meet. She's friendly, loving, and funny which is exactly what you need when you're dying on the inside.

More later, I have my first shift observing in the clinic.

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