Monday, August 31, 2009

Lunch break, first day

So, I have to observe for 3 days before I can do anything in the clinic. That's pretty much torture. I have to sit on my hands during the prenatals because I want to jump up and do them. Much is the same with prenatals here as ones done at home... I mean, aside from the fact that I can't understand a single word being said, but there are also some differences.

So far the other interns are AWESOME. I was afraid about what it would be like to be living with 4 strangers but I love them. C is so funny, she showed me the ropes the minute I got there and she has given me the lowdown on everything and everyone. She has an awesome sense of humor and she's humble and sweet. K is a really pretty hippy woman from California, she gave me a ride to the store to get groceries and for that I will be eternally grateful as they claim there is a store within walking distance but really it is a teeny little Mexican mart with expired food. B is really cool, she hitchhiked from Canada and she's sweet and interesting.

Now, the aspect I think I will have the hardest time assimilating into is the living situation. I'm 35, approximately 18 years past when living like this would have seemed cool. I don't like sharing a room, it's hot, it's not very clean, the kitchen is... weird, to put it kindly. I love my house and my kitchen and my privacy and I am sorely sorely going to miss that level of comfort.

I have met three of the staff midwives and they are all very different... I'm sure I'll have better formed opinions as time goes on.

Flight, etc.

I made it to Casa in one piece. I don't enjoy flying but Xanax and an iphone loaded with season 4 of Lost made it totally doable. It was a long journey and I had to connect which always makes me say goodbye to my luggage... it did arrive, both giant pieces. The cab ride from the airport was the first time I got nervous... really nervous. When I arrived I realized the clinic is closed on Sunday.

I spent a few quality minutes trying to figure out what the hell was going to happen to me and my giant luggage. Luckily Laverne came to my rescue. She was the staff midwife usually on shift on Sundays. In retrospect she was the perfect first person to meet. She's friendly, loving, and funny which is exactly what you need when you're dying on the inside.

More later, I have my first shift observing in the clinic.

Friday, August 28, 2009

My hopes

1. That Stella will rock kindergarten and be so busy that she won't she notice I'm gone
2. That my sister will get enough of a break during the day while my kids are at school and when Ronnie gets home to not feel completely exhausted
3. That I will get everything I need and more
4. That it will go by so fast I won't be able to believe it
5. That it will be awesome to be back in the company of midwives
6. That my shifts will be so busy I won't have time to think about how tired I am

EDITED 11/21/2010

None of that happened. Ok, that's not true but it sounded dramatic. I did get what I needed numbers-wise from Casa and I learned a lot of kick-ass skills.

It did not go by fast. In fact, time stood still. I felt like I was there for a year.

It was beyond awesome to be back with midwives and I was really lucky to have a killer group of students there with me. And an awesome resident who was one of the best teachers I've ever had and possibly the funniest person I've ever met.

My shifts were so busy I almost peed my pants a few times but I still managed to keep abreast of how tired I was.

My fears

1. That Stella will not adjust to kindergarten and that my being gone will emotionally devastate her
2. That I will forget every single midwife skill I have and become basically worthless as soon as I arrive
3. That the staff midwives will be mean to me
4. That I won't get the experience and that I need
5. That my dog will miss me
6. That my sister will be overwhelmed with the work of mothering my kids while I'm gone
7. That I won't be able to sleep
8. That I will be more tired than I can stand
9. That I will hate being there
10. That sleeping in a dorm style room with other grown women will be weird

EDITED 11/21/2010:

Every single thing on that list came true. All of them.