Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I fell behind there for a bit!

I had a long dry spell where I did not catch a baby for an entire week; it sucked. Watching other interns catch 2 or 3 in one day and so now I have been here for 5 weeks and have only caught 8 babies. 8 is a good number but I think I had caught 6 of those 8 in two weeks. Then I had two days off in a row which kind of sucks because you're here and you paid for it and I was just hanging around doing nothing.

Anyway, I'm leaving in 9 days... I will be back home in just 9 days. I can't wait; I miss my kids an immense amount. Today I felt pretty sad about having missed 6 weeks of their lives that I'll never be able to get back. I just cannot wait to see them and hear everything they have to say.

Right now I have a cold and it SUCKS. My shift yesterday was 6am to 6pm and I pretty much wanted to die the entire time. I did catch a baby but I was so zonked from this cold that it wasn't all that enjoyable.

But then E drove me to Pei Wei and everything was all better.... kind of. I pigged out and went to bed at 9:30 although because I was second on (so I was on call until 6am) I didn't go deeply to sleep until I knew I was off call completely. And now today I still feel pretty crappy but I'm first on tonight so hopefully I will either feel better by then or there will be no babies tonight.

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